Burmese By Ear/Essential Myanmar Introduction to the Burmese Language John Okell

1.4. No, it isn't.

3. numbers


thoun-nyá  သုည  zero   


S1  Teh-li-p'oùn nan-baq beh-lauq-lèh?  တယ်လီဖုန်း နံပါတ် ဘယ်လောက်လဲ။  What's your telephone number? 

S2  Lè-lè-k'un-k'un-thoùn-ba.  လေးလေးခွန်ခွန်သုံးပါ။  It's 44773. 


Teh-li-p’oùn nan-baq “telephone number”. Examples of English words that have been adopted into Burmese. Some speakers pronounce English loanwords with a good English accent (usually British English), and others pronounce them with a strong Burmese accent. 

Beh-lauq-lèh “what is?” Literally “how much?” 

K’un. A short form of k’un-hniq ခုနှစ် often used in saying phone numbers. 

Thoun-nyá “zero”. Take care not to confuse this word with thou´n “three”: apart from the second syllable nyá , a major difference is that “three” has a high tone (thoùn) where “zero” has a low tone (thoun). 

-ba (or -pa after a word ending in -q). A suffix added to a sentence to show you are being polite, like the -pa/-ba in Puba- deh etc. 
